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Another project for Helms Workshop. I set up to-scale comps and mechanicals for the winky blinky signage. Metal and glass and style and beer. Wonderfully designed by Emily Prestridge.

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During my stint at Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing, I handled all retouching. The best stuff was the outreach event work. Lots of make pretty, readable, and fun.


Another project for Sherry Matthews was a 24 by 32 inch, 3-color letterpress poster. A total of 50 were produced. When you get to touch a project like this, the typesetting had better be perfect. This was my hands-down favorite piece. Large format, tactile, type-heavy, and elegant. Designed by Gretchen Hicks.

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An illustration I created for Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing. The can was illustrated for OOH.
